Help! Why can't I find Burning Bush? One of the showiest fall plants is Burning…
Replacements for Burning Bush
Replacements for Burning Bush:
In the last post, we looked at Burning bush and why it is so hard to find. In this post, we will look at replacements for Burning Bush.
As we had said in the last post, the reason why Burning Bush is hard to find. It is hard to find because it is invasive and many nurseries have willing dropped it, limited their selection, or no longer have the availability from growers.
Consider one of these 9 plants to replace Burning Bush:
Aronia or chokeberry is a plant that is becoming more popular. There are several reasons for this. One of which is that there are newer and shorter varieties coming out. But the main reason is for health reasons. The berries are also really good for you. They have many health benefits.
Highbush Blueberry
Blueberries are an underrated plant for using in landscaping. Sure, many of us grow blueberries for the fruit, but not many people grow it in the landscape. Consider planting 2 varieties for better berry set. And when planting 2, consider planting an early and a late variety for an extended season.
Iteas are a great plant. The best variety to replace Burning Bush and just, in general, the best variety is ‘Henry’s Garnet.’ The one thing about Itea, which can be good or bad, is that Itea does spread.
Fothergilla is one of those plants that are not used as often as they should. It is also known as Bottlebrush as the flowers look like tiny bottle brushes.
Smokebush is a plant that many do not know about. The one thing worth noting is that some varieties get tall and grow really fast. ‘Grace’ a good example of this. It is more properly known as Smoketree, rather than Smokebush as it gets more the size of a small tree rather than a shrub.
Fragrant Sumac
Fragrant Sumac is one plant that is becoming more popular in the last few years, even being used in some commercial plantings. It gets more of a red/orange than a red/pink like Burning Bush does.
Some Viburnum Varieties
Another good plant to consider planting in place of Burning Bush is some type of Viburnum. There are many different Viburnums that get great fall color. Consider Arrowwood or even some Fragrant Viburnums as a replacement.
Diervilla (Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle)
There has been several really nice Dwarf Bush Honeysuckles that have come out in the past several years. Consider the Kodiak series from Proven Winners.