Help! Why can’t I find Burning Bush?
Help! Why can’t I find Burning Bush?
One of the showiest fall plants is Burning Bush. Ask anyone on the street if they have ever heard of Burning Bush and they will probably know what you mean. They may know it as “Fire Bush.” But once you get past that, they will know what you mean. More than that, a lot of people would like to have one.
What are Rose Slugs (Sawflies) and do I have them?
Chances are you have not heard of Rose slugs (also known as Rose worms or Sawflies) and chances are that you would not be interested to find out what they are unless you are having trouble with your roses. However, it is good to know what they are even if you do not. You do not know when you will need this information.
4 Reasons to Consider Gardening in Containers
One of the newest trends is gardening in containers. This is not to be confused with container gardening but is growing vegetables and herbs in containers. One of the main things that keep people from gardening is space. Compared to previous…
What is Growing on? No. 2
This is the second post in a series covering things presently going on at the greenhouse and things that will be going on. It will also highlight plants that have just come in and plants that look good right now…
“Help! How do I prune my hydrangea!”
The Issue at Hand: Hydrangeas are one of those plants it is hard to remember how to grow. Do not misunderstand this, however. I do not mean that hydrangeas are hard to grow. They are among some of the easiest…
6 Thoughts on Starting Seeds Indoors
In the next few weeks, people will begin planting seeds indoors. Here on 6 thoughts on starting seeds indoor. Perhaps you are one of the people who start seeds each year. Perhaps your parents had done it when you were…